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This book is about sharing the Gospel ... with friends, colleagues, people we meet everyday – especially hairdressers in Rebecca’s case!  It’s full of the richness and power of the Gospel written in a wise, warm, friendly, non-judgemental and approachable style, reflecting the author’s own years of experience in, and excitement about, sharing the good news of Jesus.  

This book is readable ...  at 14 chapters plus introduction, a conclusion, an epilogue and a bibliography for sources and further reading.  Each chapter has 3 questions at the end for reflection and is an ideal length to read as a daily quiet time.  The questions help to reflect on and apply the points in the chapter.     

This book is comprehensive ... by covering The Means (Section 1); The Message (Section 2) and The Method (Section 3)

This book is very appropriate for our current times ... although written before COVID-19, it is very helpful during these confusing times.

This book is very winning ... the writer’s love of the Gospel, knowledge of the Bible and biblical doctrine, understanding of common worldviews and misconceptions about Christianity and desire to love people by helping them come to know Jesus, her warmth and engaging style all shine through.  She calls all the people she talks about in the book friends, irrespective of how she knows them, and it is clear that she cares for and loves those she shares the Gospel with. 

Sarah Allinson