Get your calendar out and pick a date in the future. 15 May, 19 September or maybe even 31 December. Any date! And write in it: 'Today?' That's about as close as you'll get to predicting when the Lord will return. But the question this book asks is: when He does return, will you be ready? The Book of Revelation paints a picture of the future. And the Old Testament stands behind virtually all its descriptions. So we should look forward to a new creation that will be solid and real. Therefore Beynon advises us not to just wait for the King's return, but to prepare for for it.
This is a practical, forward-looking book. It helps you to prioritise your life according to what Jesus asks of us as Christians: how to follow and apply advice from the Bible so you live your life in readiness for His return. How to live it based on when, not if. Are you ready?
Brian Sinclair