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“Our God is a great Big God,” we often sing. But what do we really mean? Too often we seek to shrink God and what we think He can do, even as Christians! The author of this book looks at several  important areas of our lives and examines our usual approaches to them. The answers may surprise you! What is God doing when suffering comes? Is He still in control? Should we see all suffering as bad?

The book reminds us that suffering can bring glory to God. Jesus suffered and we can have salvation as a result of that! The book also offers practical advice to help us in the tough times too. Similarly, the book examines our approaches to other areas of our lives. How does our thinking about God affect how we pray?  How should our view of God’s sovereignty spur us on to tell others of Jesus? How do we make the right life choices in the light of the Bible’s teaching?  Whose advice should we seek?

Throughout the book the author offers clear, helpful and challenging answers from the Bible to these questions and more. He asks us to examine our perspective of God and  shows us how that will enable us to serve Him day by day.

Paul Lawrence